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Why Setting Boundaries Is a Form of Self-Love

Why Setting Boundaries Is a Form of Self-Love

Let’s talk about something that’s been on my heart lately: setting boundaries. You know, those invisible lines we draw to protect our peace, sanity, and well-being. Now, I don’t know about you, but for a long time, I used to feel guilty about saying “no” or establishing limits. It’s like we’ve been conditioned to believe that being there for everyone else means putting ourselves on the back burner.

But guess what? It’s time to break free from that guilt, my friends. Setting boundaries is not just okay; it’s essential for our growth and happiness. So grab a seat, and let’s dive into why we should unapologetically embrace the power of saying “no.”

First things first, let’s acknowledge that setting boundaries is an act of self-love. Picture this: you wouldn’t let just anyone come into your house and rearrange the furniture without permission, right? Well, think of your life in the same way. Your time, energy, and emotions are valuable, and it’s perfectly okay to decide who gets access to them. When you set boundaries, you’re essentially telling the world, “Hey, I love myself enough to protect my peace.”

Now, I get it. It can be tough. The fear of disappointing others or being labeled as “selfish” might try to creep in. But here’s the thing: saying “no” doesn’t make you a bad person; it makes you a person who knows their worth. And guess what? You’re worth a whole lot.

Think about it this way: every time you say “yes” to something that doesn’t align with your values or drains your energy, you’re essentially saying “no” to yourself. It’s time to flip the script, my friends. By setting boundaries, you’re reclaiming your time and energy for things that truly matter to you.

Let me drop a little wisdom on you: the people who truly care about you will respect your boundaries. They’ll understand that your “no” isn’t a rejection; it’s a declaration of self-love. And those who don’t? Well, they might need a lesson in understanding that your well-being comes first.

So, here’s the real tea: you are not obligated to overextend yourself for the comfort of others. Your mental and emotional well-being deserve to be a priority. As the great Audre Lorde once said, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

Let’s make setting boundaries a revolutionary act, a radical form of self-love that sends ripples of empowerment through our lives. The next time you feel that twinge of guilt for drawing a line, remember this: you’re not being selfish; you’re being self-full. And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing. So, stand tall, speak your truth, and set those boundaries like the queen or king you are. Your peace is worth it, and so are you.

Feeling Good About Saying “No.”

Feeling Good About Saying “No.”

How many times do we say yes? Saying anything but a wholehearted, joyful yes, might be a sign of people pleasing. Pressure to be superwoman/man, the Strong Black Woman, John Henry, or any number of unrealistic, expectations society puts on us, and at times we put on ourselves. OK, so let’s dive into the habit of saying “yes” to everything. It can lead us down a slippery slope. When we say “yes” to every request and obligation, we can find our energy drained, our well-being neglected, and our own needs pushed aside. But here’s the empowering truth: saying “no” is not a sign of weakness; it’s an act of self-care. By prioritizing your well-being, setting healthy boundaries, and allowing yourself the space to flourish, you can break free from this self-sabotaging pattern.

The Eager “Yes” Syndrome

Imagine this scenario: you’re juggling work, family, social commitments, and personal goals. Your friend asks for a favor, your coworker needs help with a project, your family requests your time, and you say “yes” to all of them. On the surface, it might seem like you’re being helpful and accommodating, but beneath that surface, there’s a growing exhaustion and neglect of your own needs. This is the peril of saying “yes” to everything.

The Myth of Superhuman Strength

In my community, there’s often an unspoken expectation that we should be superhuman – the Strong Black Woman stereotype that says we should always be available to help others, regardless of our own circumstances. We may fear that saying “no” will make us seem selfish or uncaring. But the truth is, we’re not superheroes, and trying to be one can lead to burnout and self-neglect.

The Power of “No” as Self-Care

Here’s the game-changer: saying “no” is not a sign of weakness; it’s a powerful act of self-care. When you say “no,” you’re setting boundaries that protect your time, energy, and well-being. You’re affirming that your needs matter too. It’s like putting on your oxygen mask first before helping others on a plane – you can’t be of much help if you’re running out of air yourself.

Prioritizing Your Well-being

Saying “no” allows you to prioritize your well-being. It gives you the time and space to recharge, reflect, and invest in activities that truly matter to you. It’s about understanding that you have limits and respecting them. It’s recognizing that by saying “no” to some things, you’re saying “yes” to yourself.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are like guardrails on the road of life. They keep you from veering off into exhaustion and resentment. When you say “no,” you’re setting a clear boundary that communicates your limitations. And here’s the beautiful part: people who truly care about you will respect those boundaries.

Allowing Yourself to Flourish

By learning the art of saying “no,” you create space in your life for growth, joy, and fulfillment. You become more intentional about your choices and commitments. You’ll discover that saying “no” to the unnecessary allows you to say “yes” to the things that truly matter to you.

So, dear reader, let’s bid farewell to the eager “yes” syndrome that often entangles us in self-sabotage. Remember that saying “no” is a powerful act of self-care and a way to honor your well-being. By setting healthy boundaries and allowing yourself the space to flourish, you can break free from the cycle of overcommitment and discover a life of balance, joy, and self-fulfillment.

Cognitive reframing – Think a new thought

Cognitive reframing – Think a new thought

Cognitive reframing in psychotherapy involves changing the way one thinks about a situation to alter their emotional response. Similarly, the biblical concept of renewing one’s mind emphasizes transforming thoughts to align with God’s truth and wisdom.

In cognitive reframing, individuals challenge and replace negative thought patterns with more constructive ones. For instance, Philippians 4:8 advises focusing on positive, uplifting thoughts: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Renewing one’s mind biblically involves a spiritual transformation, urging believers to align their thoughts with God’s will. Romans 12:2 instructs, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

Both concepts emphasize the power of thoughts in influencing emotions and behaviors, whether in psychotherapy or within a spiritual context.


See, you don’t stop being a Christian when you go to therapy. You bring your worldview with you. In Christ we live, move, and have our being, right? Just by virtue of being in Christ, whatever healing takes place has His fingerprints all over it. So, whatever is presented to you in the therapy room, we view it through the lens of a believer who knows that all wisdom is God’s wisdom. Why? Because every good and perfect gift (including therapy) comes from above.

See what we just did there? That my friends, is a cognitive reframe. Taking the thought – therapy requires me to park my faith at the door, and remembering the truth that you are a child of God, who is the author of all wisdom. And that He withholds no good thing from us.

For more exploration about how therapeutic concepts are compatible with scripture, please visit this post where we unpack it a bit more.

Mindfulness: Taking Every Thought Captive and Finding Peace in Christ

Mindfulness: Taking Every Thought Captive and Finding Peace in Christ

In the hustle and bustle of life, many of us find ourselves overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions, and external pressures that can leave us feeling anything but peaceful. Today, I want to explore the concept of mindfulness, drawing inspiration from 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. By embracing mindfulness and learning to take every thought captive and submit it to Christ, we can find the inner calm necessary to navigate life’s challenges.

Understanding Mindfulness:

Mindfulness is a powerful practice rooted in being fully present in the moment, cultivating awareness, and intentionally engaging with our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is a practice that allows us to observe our thoughts without judgment, to acknowledge our emotions without being overwhelmed by them, and to respond to life’s circumstances with grace and wisdom. Mindfulness helps us become more attuned to the present moment and less caught up in the worries of the past or the anxieties about the future.

Taking Every Thought Captive:

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, the apostle Paul writes, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have the divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Taking every thought captive involves recognizing and challenging the negative, self-defeating, and destructive thoughts that arise within us. It means submitting these thoughts to the authority of Christ and aligning them with His truth. This process of capturing our thoughts allows us to break free from the harmful patterns and mindsets that hold us back from experiencing the peace and freedom that Christ offers.

Practicing Mindfulness in Everyday Life:

Cultivating Awareness: Begin by paying attention to your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Notice when negative or limiting beliefs arise and consciously choose to let them go. Replace them with God’s promises and truth.

Grounding in the Present: Anchor yourself in the present moment through simple practices like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or focusing on your senses. This helps to quiet the mind and redirect your thoughts away from worries and anxieties.

Gratitude and Reflection: Take time each day to reflect on the blessings in your life. Practice gratitude for the present moment and the goodness of God. This cultivates a positive mindset and counters negativity.

Scripture and Meditation: Engage with the Word of God daily. Choose a passage like 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and meditate on its meaning. Allow the truth of God’s Word to permeate your thoughts and guide your actions.

Prayer and Surrender: Develop a regular prayer practice, surrendering your worries, fears, and anxieties to God. Invite Him to guide your thoughts, actions, and decisions. Seek His peace and wisdom in all circumstances.

Mindfulness, when infused with the teachings of Christ and anchored in His truth, becomes a powerful tool for transforming our lives. By taking every thought captive and submitting it to Christ, we can break free from negative patterns, find inner peace, and live authentically as the women God created us to be. As we embrace mindfulness and practice these techniques, we equip ourselves to remain cool under pressure, navigate challenges with wisdom, and experience the abundant life promised by our Savior.

Friends, embrace mindfulness and allow it to be a guiding force in your life, helping you to grow emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. May you find solace, strength, and renewed faith as you learn to take every thought captive and submit it to Christ, discovering the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Try Before You Buy: The Benefits of a Consultation Session

Try Before You Buy: The Benefits of a Consultation Session

So, you have decided to seek therapy to help you on your mental health journey. But now what? How do you know if a therapist is right for you? Did you know that many therapists offer consultation sessions? I personally offer 15-minute free consultations. This is not only an opportunity for me as the therapist to get to know potential clients,  but also for clients to assess whether I am the right fit for their healing journey. To ensure a productive and successful therapeutic experience, consider asking the following questions during your consultation session:

1. Are you licensed in this state? Verifying the therapist’s license is fundamental to ensuring that they are legally allowed to practice in your state. Different states have distinct requirements and regulations for mental health professionals, so ensure that the therapist’s credentials are valid in your location.

2. How many years have you been in practice? Experience can play a significant role in a therapist’s ability to navigate various mental health issues effectively. While newer therapists can be skilled and enthusiastic, seasoned professionals may offer insights and strategies that come with years of practice.

3. How much experience do you have working with people with my issue? Understanding the therapist’s expertise in dealing with your specific concerns is vital. Some therapists might specialize in certain areas such as anxiety, depression, trauma, or relationship issues. Opting for someone experienced in handling your particular challenges can increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

4. What are your specialties? Apart from asking about your specific issue, inquire about the therapist’s broader specialties and areas of expertise. This will help you gauge whether their focus aligns with your needs and goals.

5. What kinds of treatment have you found effective for my issue? Therapists employ diverse therapeutic approaches to address different problems. Some may utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychodynamic therapy, or other modalities. Understanding the treatment methods the therapist employs and their success rates can help you determine if their approach resonates with you.

6. What insurance do you accept? Therapy costs can be a significant factor in choosing a therapist. Inquire about the insurance providers they work with and the coverage they offer. This information can help you plan your finances and minimize unexpected expenses.

7. If I need medication, can you prescribe it or give me a referral? In some cases, therapy may be complemented by medication to manage certain mental health conditions. If your therapist is not authorized to prescribe medication, they should be able to refer you to a qualified psychiatrist or medical professional who can help you with the necessary prescriptions.

8. What do we do if our treatment plan isn’t working? Therapy is a collaborative process, and sometimes, the initial treatment plan may need adjustments. Discuss with your therapist how they handle such situations and what steps will be taken if you feel the current approach isn’t yielding the desired results.

Remember, the consultation session is an opportunity to establish a rapport with your therapist and determine if they are the right fit for your needs. Don’t hesitate to ask these questions and any others that come to mind during the session. Your therapist should be open, understanding, and willing to address your concerns to create a safe and trusting therapeutic relationship.

Finding the right therapist might take some time and effort, but investing in the right match can make a world of difference in your mental health journey. Stay patient, be honest about your expectations, and remember that your well-being is a priority.