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“Talent is universal, but opportunity is not.” – Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn

How would you explain electricity to someone who had never had an experience with it?  How would you define your life?  How would you explain your productivity and comfort due to this power.  On the flip side, if you had never experienced electricity, but met someone who had unlimited access to it, how would you relate to them when every aspect of their lives is influenced by this unknown?  You are two people of equal intelligence. Of equal value.  But one has a clear advantage, and one is left in the dark.

12032864_10153195559345886_81845878796489627_oThis image I found on Dave Ramsey’s Facebook page pretty much sums it up.  This week of reflection about money and finances has been illuminating. I have acknowledged where I came from and now I must make a decision on how to move forward. What actions do I take to seize opportunity and kick fear in the teeth?  Well, I can start with gratitude:

  • I can read
  • I have access to YouTube
  • I have the mental capacity to learn
  • When I get scared, or overwhelmed by my past.  God is with me.

I can do this.  And if you have been tracking with me this week, so can you.