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Death by suffocation.  Sound appealing?  When I think about things objectively, the obvious answer is no, but for years, this was my practice.  When I came to things financial, my first response to the overwhelm I felt was to put my head in the sand.  If I didn’t open the bills when the arrived in the mail, they didn’t exist.  Right?


My decision to to ignore my financial obligations, as you can imagine, ended up costing me quite a lot. I was suffocating. I was dying.  The shame I felt about being poor that I was carrying around from childhood had affected how I lived as an adult.  I relegated myself to living small.  To under earning.  To failure.  In addition to increased poor self esteem, it caused rifts in two of my dearest friendships.  I don’t know if I will ever be able to repair the damage to one of them.

The shame I felt from being poor as a child did affect me, but I know I can’t stay there in that mindset.  I want to be free.  Freedom requires something of me.  I recognize that breaking out of these patterns will take time. I know that making better choices from now on is in my control.  Facing the shame is terrifying.  It feels as though I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death.  But I can praise the Lord that He is with me, because as I name my shame and identify what my feelings are, I have the power to make a healthier choice.  I have the power to raise my head from the sand, take a deep breath and realize that the world has not come crashing down.  Yes I have a situation to face.  Yes it is scary to me.  But I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.  His promises are yes and amen, and he promises that I do not need to fear or be dismayed because He is with me.