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This phrase “financial fitness” conjures up anxious feelings for me.  Actually any phrase involving the word fitness puts me on the defensive.  I Googled the word fitness and this definition sums up my understanding of the word : the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task.  When I read this, the words washed over me in judgement. The quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task.  When I pair this definition of fitness with the word financial, I get a sinking feeling.  My first thought is that I am not suitable, and never have been.

In yesterday’s post I shared that I equated wealth with worthiness.  Somewhere in my mind I created the belief that if I were good enough, I’d have enough money.  But since I didn’t, that must mean that I wasn’t good enough.  Since I was about 9 or 10 years old I have been a student of self help.  My thought was, if I could make myself better, good things would come to me.  It is a trap that many people fall into.  Yes, to a certain extent, being the best version of yourself through self help can benefit a person.  But there are skills involved in wealth generation and maintenance that have nothing to do with how good a person you are.

I have lived my life like the servant with 1 talent in Matthew 25:14-30.  He said he was afraid.  Afraid to try the business practices of the master, so he did nothing. Did he even understand the concepts of wealth creation?  It is clear that he observed what the master did.  He said, “Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed.” It is clear to me that this servant did not understand how to conduct business, so he did nothing. Not even the easiest thing to do, like putting the money in the bank to earn interest.  I really resonate with this servant.  It is fear of the unknown that has held me back in this area of life.  The Message Bible’s translation helps explain my feelings a little more: “Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you, so I found a good hiding place and secured your money.”  I was afraid I might disappoint you….ah, there it is.

Being afraid and not knowing how to do things is not an excuse.  the world has rules and they apply whether you understand them or not.  In this parable, the master gave each servant a responsibility according to his ability.  So the servant with one talent had the ability to manage it, but he let fear bind him.  We all have the responsibility to do something.  Doing nothing will only bring pain and more problems.  So how do I get over the fear?  The bible encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. No amount of reading I have done regarding finances has helped me get of over my issues.  It has always felt like some kind of punishment or drudgery to get my financial house in order and become financially fit. I heard something recently that is helping me turn the corner on this idea.  I saw a Marie Forleo interview with Kate Northrup on YouTube.  She said something that completely blew my mind.  She said, “Financial fitness is not about deprivation and punishment.  Financial fitness is self care.”

Self care.  Now that is a concept I understand.
